In a media release to the public on April 18th, 2013, Canadore College President, George Burton, discusses the realities of operating a post-secondary institution in the current economic climate. Burton said, “We are all feeling the effects of a resource-constrained economy”, but he also believes it presents an opportunity, as he continues, “There is an up-side though…we are all forced to find way to collaborate in order to seize opportunity and come out ahead.”
The Ontario Ministry of State (Science and Technology) and Canadore College both agree that public/private partnerships are integral to the growth and development of innovative processes and technologies in Canada.
Canadore College identifies Campus Living Centres as a partner and describes its relationship as “a tremendous opportunity to build some of the most modern and progressive residence complexes in the province and provide equally impressive student life programming.” Last September, Canadore College and Campus Living Centres opened a new 200-bed apartment building and will be continuing construction this summer to create capacity for an additional 200 students.
For the full length article, please follow the link.