Campus Living Centres is pleased to announce Dimple Savla as the new Associate Director, Residence Life & The Student Experience
Dimple comes from York University, where she gained a wealth of experience as a student, a student staff member, and most recently, as a Residence Life Coordinator. Throughout her time at York, Dimple made contributions to the Residence Life program through a variety of projects outside of day-to-day residence management. She was instrumental in the development of the Residence Curriculum, embracing Alf Lizzio's Senses of Student Success and the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) Standards, to enhance the first-year student experience in residence. She co-authored two Case for Change Proposals on campus-wide First Year Experience, and Residence Living-Learning Communities, that provided a vision, framework, and recommendations to foster engagement, increase retention, and improve satisfaction for first-year students. In addition, Dimple oversaw the residence judicial board and contributed to the development of an enhanced Residence Orientation program. Last summer, Dimple was part of the Host Committee for the Ontario Association of College and University Housing Officers’ (OACUHO) Spring Conference hosted at York’s main campus for over 170 delegates from across the province. Dimple completed her Bachelor and Master of Education, with diplomas in Urban Education and Post-Secondary Education from York University.